CC’s “Incredible Stuff – Going, Going, Gone”
Several times a year, CC’s Wish List extends in-kind donation offers to a rotating list of nonprofits. We find extraordinary buys of brand-new soft goods and look for great organizations to help distribute them to those in need.
In Illinois:
At such times, we will email a Going, Going, Gone! flyer featuring the items available to
pre-qualified nonprofits on a rotating basis. Organizations respond via email listing which item or items they are interested in and the desired quantity(ies). If granted, each organization receiving merchandise is required to pick-up their reserved items from one of our two warehouses at a mutually agreed-upon date and time (Monday-Friday). Following pick-up of the items, CC’s then emails an electronic in-kind gift receipt listing the quantities and value of the items donated for the nonprofit’s sign-off.
If you are interested in being considered for CC’s Going, Going, Gone! invite list, please connect with us via our contact page.
In Florida:
When CC’s has extraordinary buys with selected vendors, we may reach out to our list of
pre-qualified Florida nonprofits to see if they would be interested in receiving a special pallet of curated soft goods. In the past, CC’s has had pallets that have included a mix of clothing for adults and/or children, shoes, underwear and socks…we never know what incredible buys we’ll find!
If you are interested in being considered and have the ability to accept shipment of a pallet of goods at your facility, please contact us by submitting your information via our contact page.